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Garra Bosque de Noruega

Standard of Breed

The Norwegian Forest Cat:

  • His body is of powerful structure

  • Large ears with good width at the base and brushes at the tip.

  • Triangle-shaped head (one of its main characteristics). In males the head is larger than that of the female.

  • Rear legs longer than the front ones, that's why you will see it making spectacular jumps.

  • They have two layers of fur, the inner layer is thick and soft, and the outer layer of their coat is thicker, rougher, and waterproof, allowing it to live in extremely cold climates.

  • Wide neck.

  • His weight ranges between 4 and 9 kilos in his adulthood. This breed is very slow developing, so you will see your Norwegian cat grow for a long time, in two or three years you will see its full development as an adult.

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Garra Bosque de Noruega

Mythology and History

There is a strong relationship with magic and this breed. In Nordic mythology, it is spoken of the protection and powers that cats that we know today as Norwegian Forest Cats grant. Nordic legends refer to a fairy cat who lives in the mountains, it is said that two large cats called Bygul (golden bee) and Trjegul (golden amber tree) pulled the cart of the powerful Freya - Goddess of love and fertility - whom they carried from one side to another at high speed through the sky. These cats were so large and strong that not even Thor - the God of Thunder - was able to lift Freya's carriage.


Another well-known story is that these cats accompanied the Vikings on their travels and used them to get rid of pests because they are excellent hunters. These were taken by the Vikings to different settlements, thus achieving their expansion.


The Norwegian Forest Cat (in Norwegian Norsk skogkatt or Norsk skaukaes) has an origin that has not been confirmed exactly, there are several versions. In 1539, the Danish priest Peter Friis classified the Norwegian lynx into three types: lynx wolf, lynx fox and lynx cat, the latter being what is now called Norwegian Forest Cat. Being an icon in his country he was named a national pet by King Olav of Norway, it is said to be one of the oldest natural breeds.


In the 1950s, Norwegians began to seek recognition of their own native breed, large long-haired, wild-looking cats were no longer seen in the area, concerned about the breed's extinction took action, the solution was to get started to a controlled playback program.


In 1963 the Norske Rasekattklubbers Riksforbund (NRR) was founded, whose president at that time was Carl-Fredrik Nordane, considered one of the most important characters behind the success of the recognition of the breed, to make this possible they had to agree to the standard of the race; At that time, the Norwegians faced a problem: their memories were vague about what the cat they used to see in the woods was like. The new task was to find a live specimen on which to build to found the breed. In Forest Cat circles they concluded that Pan´s Truls was a beautiful cat and a suitable specimen typical of the breed. Two judges, Stein Bauer and Edel Runaas, in collaboration with the NRR Secretary, Helen Nordane, examined Pan's Truls and, unanimously, made the decision that it was the perfect prototype of the breed; Based on the appearance of this feline, a scale of points was established on which the qualities and pattern of this beautiful breed are based.


In 1977, the International Feline Federation (FIFE) officially recognized this breed.

Garra Bosque de Noruega


Goddess of love and fertility

These are some illustrations of Freya, Goddess of love and fertility, who always appears protected by her strong and loyal cat in front of her shield, in current times this cat is called Norwegian Forest Cat


Without a doubt, the magic is in them ...

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